Friday, March 18, 2016

Netflix, it’s growing popularity among teens


Netflix is an online television viewing company which has been in business since 1997 and has recently become very popular among young Americans.

When Netflix was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, it was used as a way to order DVDs and get them delivered to homes. Now it is an online streaming service, a DVD ordering service, and a television production company.

Netflix was exclusively an on-demand provider of movies until 2012 when they began streaming “Lilyhammer” which was the first television show streamed by Netflix.  

Netflix is also known for its innovative and original series. The first Original series Netflix streamed was “House of Cards” in February 2013 which received great reviews and many award nominations. This pushed the company to start creating more original content for their viewers.

“My family has had Netflix since before I was born, I always check online to see the new original content they have and to watch the shows and movies they have,” freshman Renee Mayo said.

Today, there are more than 60 Netflix originals and more are being produced every year. At about $9.99 a month, Netflix users are satisfied and getting a great deal.

Netflix is become increasingly popular among the youth of the world today. Teens and young adults see it as a way to get instant streaming of their favorite shows and movies wherever they are.

Teens are constantly using Netflix and they aren’t likely to stop.

“I use Netflix everyday and it never gets old, they’re always adding new movies or shows so I always have something to watch,” sophomore Teagan Dillon said.  

Netflix recently hit 70 million subscribers and they are not slowing down. The Company’s stock has risen steadily since 2013.

Netflix has recently been striving to become more user friendly and easier to use. One of their most recent additions was to create profiles for different viewers on the same account. This is especially helpful to families who use the same account.

Netflix is also very original in the way the design their website and app. They have created a feature called an “Instant Queue” which is extremely helpful because it takes your favorite shows and movies and put them at the top of your screen for easy access.

Netflix is mainly used nowadays as a platform to stream shows on mobile devices. This is also a factor which draws in a younger audience.

Netflix has an easy-to-use, fast, and user-friendly application which makes the experience more enjoyable for their customers.

“I have the app on my iPad and I end up watching it more than I watch cable,” freshman Savannah Rogers said.

Netflix’s climbing popularity has been caused by a lot of things. Many blame it on the decreasing popularity of cable TV however, thousands of teens tweet at, talk about, and watch Netflix every day.

Teenagers are always aware of popular trends and oftentimes make the trend more popular and increase others awareness of it. Netflix is a good example of a trend made popular by teenagers.

Netflix is easy-to-use, on the go television and movies and is becoming more popular than normal TV.

The fact being someone can watch Netflix anytime, anywhere and on any mobile device is one of the most compelling reasons for teens to switch from cable to Netflix. Teens want the faster, smoother, and mobile viewing experience which Netflix offers.

Netflix is still growing and becoming more and more successful and popular among the teenagers of the world, and it does not look like it will stop soon.