Thursday, February 4, 2016

Head wear not distracting in school



BLYTHEWOOD --- It’s well known that hats and head wear aren’t allowed in school and is found not only in school handbooks, but the District Two handbook as well.

If a student were to ask an administrator or teacher they will tell them, “This rule is here to make a difference. It's not just here because teachers don’t want you to wear hats and express your style.” Or you might be told “It’s to prevent weapons from being snuck into school and hidden to decrease gang affiliation and the trouble in schools.”

It’s pretty clear why a school’s goal would be to keep a school safe, but to not permit head wear, it doesn’t seem legit. The main two reasons teachers and administrators say this rule is in place is two decrease gang affiliation in schools. Now this is understandable because have any related problems in a school, would not make it the safest school to go to. 

Yes, people have bandanas, and yes gangs are able to identify each other on certain colors and how a bandana is worn. But some girls and guys only use them for fashion purposes as well as hats. When affiliated in a gang, it is most common for a bandana to be worn a certain way, such as around the arm, leg, or tied directly around the forehead. If a female or male is walking around school with a bandana on to keep her hair in place, then it's obvious she isn’t trying to show what gang he or she is affiliated with.

The second reason why they don’t allow hats and head wear in school is because it could allow someone to sneak and hide weapons in school. Yes, this is true, but it is also not as logical as people would think. Anyone can come into a school and hide weapons anywhere, it is not just limited to hats. 

If that is the case they might as well confiscate all clothing and shoes as well as hats. Not only that but anything and everything can be considered a weapon. If weapons are to not be allowed in school, the pencil on the table along with the, chair on the floor, clock on the wall, shoes on our feet, the marker on the board, and the book on the shelf should be taken away and confiscated.

Not only this but clothes and head wear help express who people are. Head wear has already been taken away from students and it won't be long before they take a away our freedom to dress how we please as long as they think that weapons can be concealed. They are right and this is true but it is overall not fair.

Clothing and apparel helps people express who we are. Being limited to what we can and cannot wear is not good for a creative environment. For a girl to be told that she has to change shirts because a piece of her shoulder is out, is unnecessary. In most schools males will be told to change is they are wearing form fitting shirt, yet they are not confronted when they are shirtless and school hours aren’t over. 

If a student, teacher, or whoever is distracted by a part of someone’s shoulder out or a boy wearing a form fitting shirt should be in a more controlled learning environment. As students, we should be able to enjoy our youth and dress as we please before we are limited to the profession standards. Allowing head wear doesn't sound like much, but it can be the beginning to helping people find their true self. Little things affect people in a big way.