Friday, February 5, 2016

Marvel powers over D.C. Comics



Marvel and D.C. have been fighting for the top comic brand since the 1930s.

D.C. and Marvel Comics are known for their endless alternate universes of heroes and villains, despite their various mashups both brands remain enemies. For years these two companies have been throwing punches and building their fandom armies.

Marvel Comics, owned by Marvel Entertainment and Disney, has created an endless flow of heros and villains to comply to the D.C. stash of ever growing characters. Despite the five year lag, Marvel has always taken comics to another level.
Marvel has created various teams, series, and universes beyond the realm of Earth.
D.C. Comics owned by Warner Brothers and D.C. Entertainment, has been known by many aliases throughout the years. With major characters like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and others, they manage to hold their weight against Marvel.

Throughout the years Marvel has been known for their many major film productions, such as Thor, The Avengers, and Amazing Spider Man. With it most successful movie being “The Avengers”, Marvel has been hitting the jackpot of movie gold.

“I’m not really happy with any of them (Marvel Movies). When you grew up reading all these stories and then you’ve even read some of the new ones you just feel like they’ve tried to pack too much into the movies,” said Tara from 7SI Games Comics and Collectibles and a fan of both D.C and Marvel. Despite Marvel’s high ratings and success in ticket sales in the box-office some of their fans disagree.

Even though Marvel has had great success in the film industry,  D.C is know for some of their memorable TV shows and animated series such as: Gotham, Arrow, The Flash, Teen Titans, Young Justice and the Justice League. D.C is also know for some of their  own box-office hit such as “The Dark Knight”, and “The Dark Knight Rises”.
When it comes down to the comics Marvel takes the cake. They’ve built an universe of unstoppable heroes and villains unlike ones we’ve seen before. “When D.C did their Convergent series and then Marvel did their Secret Wars (May of 1983 - April of 1985). D.C just killed it no-one was interested. It’s just... There was no character development it kinda stayed the same no-one moved on, it just kept repeating.”
Despite D.C.’s lack of character development through the years, they have the best sidekicks in the business. Batman and Robin, Wonder Woman and Wondergirl, Green Arrow and Speedy, the list could go on and on.

“I like them all, I think they're  all pretty good, and as far as animated goes, D.C. has the best animated series too.”agrees Shane from Apocalypse Comics.

If their sidekicks aren’t enough, take a look at their long list of nasty, mean and downright awful villains: The Joker, Harley Quinn, Slade, Reverse Flash, Lex Luthor and other. These villains know how to make a hero’s life miserable.  

Despite D.C’s overall villains, sidekicks and major heroes (Batman and Superman), D.C lacks the morals of Marvel. D.C. believes in justice for all while Marvel believes in equality for men and woman, justice, and fairness among the realms of their universe.

Overall Marvel’s character development, new abilities instead of counteracting characters, box-office success and outstanding morals, Marvel takes the trophy or best comics.