Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Lacrosse costs keep potential players away



BLYTHEWOOD--Lacrosse Is a great, fun sport, and is fairly new at BHS. There's a price that comes with playing lacrosse, the equipment is not cheap. This, causes some students not to be able to play, because they don't have enough money.

The boys lacrosse team has a budget of $1,200 each year to be used on the team's needs, such as officials, transportation for away games, and maintenance for the field.

To make some of the money for the team we participate in fundraisers.

“I love to give back to the community, not only does it raise money for the team, but it makes me feel like a better person,” lacrosse coach Kirk Thurston said.

The lacrosse team already has a good amount of fundraisers. The players are asked to find people to sponsor the team by purchasing program ads.

“We can never have enough sponsors and will use as much funds as we can get,” Thurston says. The team also participates in car washes, serve in restaurants, and sells spirit wear apparel.

Some people consider lacrosse as a “rich boy’s sport”,  but it could become more of a community sport. The team needs to find ways to provide less fortunate kids with the needs to play.

“Its tough sometimes for anyone to play the sport, the equipment does not come cheap,” says Thurston. The team does everything they can with the money they have to help kids who are having financial difficulties to play lacrosse.

There could be more ways to help out with kids who are having financial problems.

“We want to give as much help as we can,” Thurston said.

Extra fundraisers would be possible solution.

The BHS lacrosse team was the third highest in profit for the school at fundraisers last year. More fundraisers should be created so we can be first in the school. This would benefit with the kids who can't afford to play.

The team could purchase extra sticks and pads for these kids. All it takes is a little extra hard work.

“It doesn't have to be the nicest stick in the world. It's not the bow it's the (archer)," says Thurston.

Ways to Help
A good fundraiser that the team could create might be teaching young kids how to play the sport of lacrosse. Costing little for the players, this would benefit improving the lacrosse program by bringing in more players and having an extra fundraiser.

“We want all the players that we can get,” Thurston said. Thurston wants as many players to come out as possible. Ever since he became the coach at BHS, the team has grown. More people are interested in the sport of lacrosse, and it is becoming more known.

This fundraiser would be $5 to attend for each child. They would be learning the high school lacrosse drills and skills from the players and coaches. “It is best for players of any sport to learn at a young age, especially lacrosse since it takes a while to master,” Thurston said.

Lacrosse is a tough sport to learn, especially throwing and catching and using a stick. It is a contact sport, so it does get a little rough.  It is a combination of many sports.

“Contact is the main reason I play the game.  I love to hit,” Mark Dunkin from the BHS lacrosse team said.

That is one thing we would not be able to let the young kids do. The team would focus on teaching them stick skills. Hitting will come when they actually play the game.

The lacrosse team always needs to remember those kids who are less fortunate, and figure out ways to get them on the field too. Money has no love of the sport.