Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Coach Rob - Biggest Heart (and Voice) On Campus

Robinson works and lives by his faith
BLYTHEWOOD--Inside the classrooms of Blythewood, and maybe even outside of them, everyone knows the voice that occupies room 411. That voice belongs to none other than Coach Don Robinson.

“Coach Rob,” as he is usually called, has one of the most boisterous voices on campus. He’s not obnoxious, but instead he is a very passionate teacher, coach, and husband.

During class he is the lively teacher who animatedly gives life lessons, on the field he is the coach who takes the team’s successes and losses to heart, but being one on one with Robinson is where his true nature truly shines.

Robinson isn’t just the teacher seen yelling encouraging words to others, he’s also a man who cares more for his fellow man and woman than they may know.

“I’m not different,” he says, but to many this is why he stands out the most.

The Love Of Coach Rob
“I try to look people in the eyes, let them know I’m a man of God and a man with a lot of love.”

This is something Robinson does well, as none who know him can deny that he is a man of faith and love.

“I love my students,” he says, and this love is shown by the work he has done and continues to do for his students. Giving life lessons, getting “emotionally attached” to the successes and failures of his students, motivating his students by music, and making sure all his students are doing well, not just in class, but in life, is only some of the ways he shows his love for his students.

His love does not stop with his students however. Robinson talks about “Vitamin L” daily, and showing others respect in a world where it is almost foreign to do so. “I’m trying to love people more, and let them love me,”he states.

But two of his most prominent loves are his faith and his “missus.” Anyone who has known Robinson knows how passionate he feels about these two prominent figures in his life.

It wouldn’t be much of a surprise then, that his wife is what brought him to Blythewood after having been promoted to a manager at her government job, and coming to Columbia. Robinson would start working at Blythewood High in 2007, and even to this day he has continued to fully embrace his faith by doing what he knows best:teaching and coaching, his “service to God.”

At Blythewood, Robinson has met and worked with many students and teachers. Some of which, would be AP Lit teacher Allison Bird, who he’s known since he’s worked here, and current senior Anneliese Gordon, who has met him this year.

No matter how long either have known him, both know his passions, and that he shows it in his work. “[It] Makes class fun” and “His classroom is a platform for success,” claims Gordon and Bird respectively.

His Experiences
Blythewood isn’t the first place Robinson has worked, having moved around plenty before he settled in Blythewood. He has previously worked at three other schools as a teacher and coach, stating the number of sports he has coached decreased throughout the years.

“I’ve always been a coach,” Robinson says, which doesn’t seem to be a problem for him. It allows him to get closer to students as they also get closer to him.

This relationship goes even further than the “really special moment” known as graduation. The relationship with Robinson can last years after, with students coming back to see him and his wife. This is very rewarding to him, showing him how his students really appreciate him as a person.

It’s kind of hard not to appreciate him, as his lessons tend to stick with whoever happens to hear it. Of course it may be etched in the listener’s mind because it catches them off guard, but getting to know Robinson it’s clear he gets excited not for some cheap entertainment, but because he really cares about the lessons he teaches. He wants people to learn and love, and he does all he can to show them.

He claims he does not have all of the answers, but talking to Robinson personally would make most believe different. His knowledge of how to handle situations is summed up by one of his sayings, “Keep Calm And Trust God.”

He may indeed not have all of the answers, but his lessons come from his own years of experiences, usually following up a lesson by saying “I’ve got 40 years on you.”

“Forty years” isn’t a way to have bragging rights, but it lets listeners know what he is saying needs to be taken to heart, having been through some tough times as well, and  overcame each one by faith and “Vitamin L.”

Even with 40 years on his students, his spirit remains just as fired up as any determined youth he has had the pleasure of teaching.

Life As A Teacher, Coach, And Husband
In Blythewood, Robinson has found something different compared to the three other schools he has previously worked at.

“We’re really blessed to have good people at this school,” he says, commenting on how the students have “good hearts.”

Perhaps that is why he truly cares about his students, often referring to “Star Wars” (the battle of light vs dark) as he teaches them to love. Robinson knows personally there will be dark times.

Because he knows the pains of those dark days, Robinson takes it upon himself to teach kids about life outside of the classroom as well as inside. Sometimes this can be a stressful task.

“You get stressed,” he states shrugging it off as an occurrence of life. Thankfully two of his greatest loves keeps him on his feet.

Robinson will always “stay humble and leave it to God,” how can he not being contempt in his faith and knowing that his wife and God will always be on his side? Knowing Robinson, he too, will always be on his student’s side.

So when students hear that voice from 411, they know it isn’t the voice of some random man yelling meaningless words. That voice belongs to “Coach Rob,” and through all of his yelling he is slowly making residents of the 400 hall better people.