Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kneeling for the Equality

BLYTHEWOOD-- Many Americans feel everyone should stand up for the National Anthem. But, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick does not think so.

Kaepernick kneels during the playing of “The Star Spangled Banner” before each of his games.

According to Aljazeera news “Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 49ers' backup quarterback, brought his protest to draw attention to racial inequality to a nationally televised Monday Night Football audience, by kneeling on the field rather than standing as the national anthem played.”

“He has no respect for the country and what people have done for it, just because it might be just a piece of fabric but it has history behind it,” football fanatic Thomas Fannin said

“He said that he is able to do these things and the coach can’t do anything. And that is where you are wrong when you are on that field you have his jersey on and he own you when you are in this time. But you can do it anytime you want when you are at home but not on the field with the coaches company on it,” Fannin said

“He has the right and he thinks that he is protesting in the right way but he is not. He is influencing kids all around the world to do it,” sophomore Ethan Fannin said