Thursday, October 23, 2014

Social networking changes student life


BLYTHEWOOD --While technology increases in its development, so does the access of the internet for young teenagers.

The internet is a great technology for students, but the Net can also lead to problems in a student’s life.

“I love my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so I can keep up with friends’ posts,” sophomore Shelby Butler said.

Keeping up with friends on these kind of apps are the purposes for them, but lately that has not been the case.

With these social sites, anybody can post what they want and anybody can see it.

“I wish that the apps were able to block all of the inappropriate tweets and pictures,” Butler said.
Looking at tweets that make someone uncomfortable shouldn’t happen.

“My advice to students is to think before you post,” Media Specialist Amy Whitfield said.  

“Any tweets, pictures or comments that you post there will be a permanent record. You never know who could be looking at your profile - even college looks before they decide on choosing you or not,”  Whitfield said.

According to Whitfield, it is important to think before posting because it could prevent a student from making a mistake that could hurt them for a long time.

Also, thinking before posting helps prevent other students from being hurt or bullied. Mean posts can turn into cyberbullying.

“I’ve witnessed some mean things on my sites,” Butler said.  “People in general don’t think about what they post and sometimes don’t know their posts can be hurtful towards someone. ‘The Golden Rule’ is an example of how we should treat people even on the Net. Be positive about life and avoid the negatives.”

Impressions of people are made from what the viewer sees such as the posts, comments and pictures.

“Social networking may have its downfall but also has its benefits,” said Marcia Purday, an Adjunct Professor of Journalism at the University of South Carolina.

“Social media allows students the opportunity to create and learn through blogs, YouTube and podcasts in addition to using social media to research content material,” said Purday.  “A student’s creative learning process is strengthened when they interact with peers to make connections in the course.”

Having social networking can increase your social skills.

“If you enjoy meeting new people, then having a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social networking site is great to have,” freshman Antwan Bronzell said.

Social networking can be viewed as a benefit or a negative but in the end its the posts, comments and tweets that people decided to leave for others to view as.