Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Powder Puff Girls

BLYTHEWOOD- Powder Puff football isn't just a glorified girly version of flag football hosted once a year as a savvy fundraiser.

The lights on the field beam down brightly on the on the opposing team. Faces, hidden by black-eye smudges and glitter, fill the line of defensive. A whistle is blows and chaos is unleashed.

Colored shirts morph together as shoulder knock. A jungle of black leggings rushes forwards in an effort to hold a stalemate.

The ball is thrown; it suspends for a moment before falling into the hands of the receiver. With a hesitation, she rushes for down the field.

How the Game Works...
Powder Puff follows the basic rule of American Football; four quarters, each 15 minutes long, 4 downs, timeouts etc. Overtime is included if necessary.

The teams are based on grade level. Freshman with the freshman, the sophomore with sophomores and so on. Eye black and face glitter is encouraged.

Cleats aren't necessary and may hurt your opponents if worn. Be sure to bring a jacket for the weather may be chilly.

The game itself has no true origin. It branched off from Flag Football, which has been played by Americans since the early 1940s. The first documented Powder Puff game come out of  Eastern State Teachers College, in Madison, South Dakota, near the of World War 2.

As a result of the WW2 draft, only three male students were enrolled at Eastern State. With the impending Homecoming game, an 'All-American-Football' game was out of the question. This is where Powder Puff came into place according to the (Springfield, Ill.) State Journal-Register.

You in?
Four teams fighting for bragging rights an open field and the boys in cheer uniforms make for a great night of fun. I personally enjoyed my time on the field last year and can't wait to play again.

I encourage any girl that wants to play or any boy that wants to cheer or coach. Hope to see you on the field.

Sign up sheets are available outside 401 and are due Friday, Nov. 3.